Program Overview
A transit wheel is a non-saleable steel wheel, 22-inch tire, and TPM mounted to the vehicle during assembly. It is used only for transport from the factory to the dealer prior to installation of LPO wheels. Participating in this program leads to reduced dealer and customer pricing and increased diversity in your vehicles.
Since its development in 2012, the transit wheel program has remained largely unchanged. Below is a simplified rundown of the process, what is expected of your dealership, and what to expect of us, your ADI.
Process Timeline
1. Order LPO 22-Inch Wheels
Dealer places qualifying LPO order to General Motors. Parts manager receives email prior to LPO delivery detailing vehicle information and core charge invoice.
2. LPO Wheels Delivered
ADI delivers LPO wheel assemblies to dealer including $1500 invoice for core wheel assemblies. Note: Dealer must make cores available for ADI pickup within 48hrs of LPO delivery.
3. Wheel Installation
Dealer removes core wheel assemblies, installs LPO wheel assemblies & relearns TPM system. Parts department then stacks complete set of core assemblies and affixes the supplied orange vin# labels (that were sent with the original LPO wheels) to each individual tire, preferably to the tread. Do not shrink wrap.
4. Request Pickup
Dealer completes online return request and prints a copy of the packing slip created. The ADI driver will have paperwork and labels to apply to the Transit Wheels to pick up on your next delivery.
5. Core Pickup
ADI driver arrives at dealership to take delivery of dealer core assemblies, inspects cores, and completes driver portion of your core return form.
If core is acceptable, ADI driver accepts core and transports to ADI where the dealer is credited $1500 core charge.
If core is not acceptable (ie. incomplete set, tires damaged or worn, sensors missing, etc.) or there is a discrepancy, driver will note discrepancy on core return form and ask for parts manager signature to acknowledge discrepancy.
Driver then may transport core to ADI for further inspection to determine if core credit may be given.
Issues or Questions?
If you have an problems or questions related to your dealership and the return process, please contact us.
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