Adam's Premium Car Care signature product line includes car wax, sealants, dressings, cleaners, and polishes – all guaranteed to outshine and outlast any product you've used on your vehicle. Their products are not mass-produced and each is carefully formulated with special blends of high-quality polymers, acrylics, and waxes.
Constantly reevaluating and testing blends to ensure that they are offering you the most technologically advanced and safe products available, Adam's Premium Car Care Products always provides quality over quantity. Now this excellent product is available through GM Accessories.

Adam was a shine freak at a young age. At the age of 16 he created a Mobile Detailing Business, that specialized in limousine fleets through high school and college. After college, Adam earned a huge account, and began detailing for Coca-Cola.
At Coke, Adam and his team needed to devise a plan to detail 3,400 vehicles every 24 months. Combining products, changing the process, and dialing in the efficiencies helped create a successful, large-fleet detailing business. That fleet detailing experience also helped Adam tinker with chemicals, which he started selling at the Orange County Swap Meet in Southern California. As the product business grew, the website was born. Since he never officially named the company, it accidentally became, “Adam’s.”