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Associated Accessory Warranty Coverage

The Dealer Fixed Operations Advisory Board (DFOAB) has recommended a change to the Associated Accessory warranty process. We listened to the concerns of the DFOAB and are supporting our Associated Accessory Partners Parts Warranty with a supplemental GM warranty labor coverage on all parts deemed defective by the Associated Accessories Partner.

Associated Accessories (IBP) is pleased to announce effective with warranty repairs completed on or after 8/8/17, labor will be covered for Associated Accessories warranty repairs on accessories that were originally purchased and installed through the GM dealer network. Listed below are the details on claim eligibility and how to submit the transaction through the Global Warranty Management (GWM) system.

Associated Accessory Warranty Process

If warranty service to an Associated Accessory is required during the accessory's warranty period, the GM dealer should contact the Associated Accessories manufacturer to determine the correct repair solution. Repair parts or complete accessory replacement will be provided at no cost when under the warranty terms of the accessory manufacturer, and therefore, must not be claimed to GM on a warranty transaction.

GM dealership labor and an administrative allowance for processing Associated Accessory warranty repairs as directed by the accessory manufacturer may be processed through the Global Warranty Management (GWM) as directed below. These expenses are prohibited when:

  1. Failure was caused by negligence, abuse, alterations, accident, or use for which the part was not designed or approved by Associated Accessory Manufacturer.
  2. The Associated Accessory was not originally installed by a GM Dealer.
  3. The Associated Accessory was installed on a vehicle registered and normally operated outside the United States.

Loss of time, inconvenience, loss of use or other incidental or consequential damages, including courtesy transportation, is not covered.

Submitting Labor in Global Warranty Management

When performing a warranty repair or replacement of an Associated Accessory as directed by the accessory manufacturer, labor may be submitted using the following procedure:

  1. Document the complaint, cause and repair (correction) of the Associated Accessory on a repair order. Include the Associated Accessories Manufacturer name and Associated Accessories service part name or GM part number, if instructed by the Associated Accessory manufacturer to replace the complete assembly.
  2. Submit a ZREG Transaction Type in Global Warranty Management (GWM) for reimbursement of labor involved using the appropriate labor operation shown below.
  3. The Associated Accessory was installed on a vehicle registered and normally operated outside the United States.

  1. Document the complaint, cause and repair (correction) of the Associated Accessory on a repair order. Include the Associated Accessories Manufacturer name and Associated Accessories service part name or GM part number, if instructed by the Associated Accessory manufacturer to replace the complete assembly.
  2. Submit a ZREG Transaction Type in Global Warranty Management (GWM) for reimbursement of labor involved using the appropriate labor operation shown below.
  3. The Associated Accessory was installed on a vehicle registered and normally operated outside the United States.
  4. If your actual labor time falls within this range: Use this Labor Operation

    Up to .3 hr

    Labor Op 0602608

    .4 Up to .6 hr

    Labor Op 0602708

    .7 Up to 1 hr

    Labor Op 0602808

    1.1 Up to 1.5

    Labor Op 0602908

  5. Submit the actual amount of labor in the Base Labor field.
  6. Submit up to $25.00 in the Net/Admin Allowance field to cover processing the part with the Associated Accessories Manufacturer or the Accessory Dealer Installer (ADI).
  7. Enter to Associated Accessory part number in the "Reference Number" field of the GWM transaction.
  8. Parts are prohibited and must not be claimed on the transaction.
IBP Warranty
Find Associated Accessory Warranty Coverage and process in this document.
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